Dr.Raj Kanna -

a Knee Surgeon.

trained in India & UK.

About Us


Dr Raj Kanna is a Consultant Knee Surgeon, trained in India and United Kingdom. He is a specialist in the Computer-Assisted Knee Replacement Surgery and Arthroscopic (Key-Hole) Surgery of the knee.


He is based in Chennai, India where he offers the latest solution for various knee problems such as arthritis, ligament injuries, etc with a world-class hi-tech facility. He Consults at Apollo and Prashanth Hospitals, Chennai, and runs his Knee Clinic in Anna Nagar, which is at the heart of the city.


He is one of the very few surgeons in Asia to perform Computer Assisted Knee Surgeries and has delivered supreme results with this advanced technique. He has published nearly a dozen scientific articles on computer-assisted and partial knee replacement surgeries in reputed international peer-reviewed journals and have written a chapter titled “Uni-Compartmental Knee Replacement” for the book titled “Text Book of Orthopaedics and Trauma”.

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